YENNY ORIGINS (original TFTA Yenny Adventures)

Released 3/1/08

Tickle torture comics, tickling comics and tickle art comics

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YENNY ORIGINS  (original TFTA Yenny Adventures) cover thumbYENNY ORIGINS (original TFTA Yenny Adventures) Cover

These are the sizzling comics that started it all, folks.

Hot from the pages of TFTA...these are the comics that put the blue-haired ticklish beauty known as Yenny onto the map and into our hearts.

Thrill as the desperately tender heroine faces off against wickedly curious alien abductors, fiendishly maniacal insects, deliciously insane nurses, and relentlessly thorough hysterical results!

If you're looking for the biggest, most sensitive feet to ever explode onto the tickling scene...then I guarantee you...Yenny Origins will hit the spot!

-The Bandito

Item Features

  • 26 Pages Including Cover!
  • 90+ Comic Panels!
  • 1 Sexy Bonus Pin-up!
  • Artwork by the Amazing Ozzy!
  • /f Tickling!
$14.00Add to Cart
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