Inescapable #5

Released 10/19/18

Tickle art and tickling pinups or tickle pin ups

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Inescapable #5 cover thumbInescapable #5 Cover

There are traps so insidious that they will drive you to screaming insanity. There are machines of such devious DESPERATION that they will break both your body and your spirit. There are situations so MERCILESS...that they leave you in a state from which there is no respite. They are the most fiendish of devices. They are the moments of such helpless horror. They are the captors of devilish intent.

We call them INESCAPABLE!

Item Features

  • 12 Evil TICKLE TORTURE Pin Ups including cover!
  • Strict Bondage and Horribly Ticklish Tales!
  • Bare Foot, and Naked Toe Wiggling Tickling!
  • Bare Breast, Buns, and Naughty Tickles!
  • Toe Bondage and Ticklish Penalties!
  • Illustrated by the Horrifically Cool Josh Flynn!
  • Written and Created by Bandito!
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