Alice and Override continue to be mind-melded with the evil robotic meta-consciousness of the Velmennite Hive Brain known as, Boss Innosaka v3! A they have tickled a very naked and exceptionally sensitive Dusty to the absolute brink of insanity, and the erotic energy has utterly recoded their prime directive: they no longer wish to destroy all organic life forms...THEY DESIRE TO ENSLAVE THEM THROUGH TICKLE TORTURE.
Gasp you should.
In a valiant rescue attempt gone horribly wrong Novak, Captain Logana, Thompson, and Slither have also fallen into the metallic tickly hands of their insidious Velmennite overlords! And I have no doubt that they intend to manically TICKLE all five girls from head to toe as they begin their diabolical enslavement of all fleshy life in the GALAXY!
Yeah...this is gonna be a bad-ass episode. Don’t you think?
Fight the robot apocalypse!
Join the resistance!
Become the Corporation!
Item Features
- 12 Torturous Tickling In Space Pages + Cover!
- 42 Panels of Triumphant Tickle Action!
- Multiple Ticklelees for your PLEASURE!
- Pillared Tickling and naked Foot Tickling!
- Naughty Topless Tickling and UB Action!
- Ticklish Turnabout and Revenge Set Up!
- Illustrated by the Outstanding Giangiacomo!
- Written and Created by Bandito!