Let's face it: girls are ticklish. Their tummies, underarms, ribs, and of course the tender, delectable soles of their feet. A further observation: guys like to tickle girls. And in the tickling battles that play out day to day between the sexes, victory goes not infrequently to the gentlemen.
We at MTJ Publishing believe that the time has come to face these facts, and not merely face them, but celebrate, nay, REVEL in them!
Umojar, long a favorite among the Tickling Community's artists, has joined forces with veteran tickling writer Colin (LEXI, CAPTURED BY AMAZONS, TORTURE OF THE CARESS) to see what happens when laughter-loving male meets ticklish female. Here you will find professors and princesses, businesswomen and barefoot beach-babes, spacey chicks and chicks in space, all deliciously helpless, all laughing hysterically under the fingers of the menfolk.
TICKLE BATTLE: GIRLS LOSE! explores in tasty detail the many delicious sides of the ticklish female. Sides, soles, toes, navel...in fact, every blessed inch of her!
Item Features
- 12 full page, color illustrations!
- Barefoot & Upper Body Tickling!
- M/F Tickling!