Oh. My. God! Beth and her girlfriends just had the best summer ever, full of sun and fun and, uhm...tickling?
Well, duh! I mean, Rob and Chaz were along, and you know those guys are total tickle-monsters! Seems like the girls--sweet Beth, brainiac Amy, bitchy Marion, beauty queen Veronica or blonde hottie Judy--couldn't even go barefoot without finding themselves in a ticklish situation! And of course, every last one of the girlfriends is like super-ticklish! So it seemed like everything from a rainy-day board-game to dinner at the local pizza parlor to a visit to that creepy "torture chamber" exhibit at the amusement park turned into a total tickle session. And here are fourteen snapshots to prove it!
But hey, it's all just good fun, right? I mean, it's not like Rob and Chaz had planned each and every moment of the vacation as an excuse to get the girls helpless and giggling. It's not like they're, ha ha, tickle-fetishists, or anything. I mean, as if!
So...how was your summer?
Item Features
- 13 full page, color illustrations +Cover!
- Focus on barefoot tickling!
- Also includes neck, ribs, and belly tickling!
- M/F and F/F Tickling!