Bounce Chix and Dragons #1

Released 3/27/16

Tickle torture comics, tickling comics and tickle art comics

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Bounce Chix and Dragons #1 cover thumbBounce Chix and Dragons #1 Cover

A quick wiff of impossibly bright flashing of the physical universe...a temporary fracture of all Newtonian physics and established quantum mechanics and the CHIX have BOUNCED again! And into the world's most erotic and ticklish gaming parody no less!!!

Finding themselves at a small inn dressed in armor and material-sparing fantasy gear, Jane, Andi and Hailey have little time to determine where in the cosmos they bounced to THIS time when a completely unexpected and not-at-all predictable goblin horde wages ATTACK!

Before you can say MMORPG Jane finds herself nabbed by a gorgeous dark sorceress and pulled into a magical rift which leads to a terribly ticklish dungeon full of...well...TERRORS and TICKLES! As our beautiful tough Janey begins to scream in hysterical frenzied laughter her friends have no choice but to SAVE HER!!! Although, naturally they have to stock up on gear, visit the smith, and possibly hit a save station first.

Join Andi and her magic staff of meteoric deadliness! Stand beside Hailey and her bow of gobliny murderous DOOM! Witness the turmoil and blushy cackling of Jane as someone discovers her truly most ticklish place...and isn't planning on stopping.

Will her bouncy friends fulfill their first QUEST and save squealing Janey in time?! Will this Dark Sorceress tickle Jane in sinful ways she never thought possible??! Will Andi go with the summoning skill tree, or build her skills toward the healing spells????!

Live the FANTASY!

Play the GAME!

Get your SWORD and SORCERY on!!!

Item Features

  • 15 epic pages of fantasy hotness!
  • 54 panels of swords and sexiness!
  • Possibly the NAUGHTIEST Bounce Chix comic yet!
  • Tons of bare foot tickling torture!
  • Scores of upper body ticklish torment!
  • Bare breast, buns, and..cough…kitty tickles!
  • Amazingly detailed wonderful fantasy world!
  • Sensational Pencils and Inks by Churin!
  • Written and created by Bandito.
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