Elf Tales #1

Released 8/6/09

Tickle torture comics, tickling comics and tickle art comics

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Elf Tales #1 cover thumbElf Tales #1 Cover

The Druid & The Sorceress

Evilna, the Dark Elf sorceress is hired by the Dark Council to rescue the kidnapped druid apprentice, Xanthia. Xanthia was kidnapped by Capristixa a wicked female lizard that once was a powerful Blood Elf sorceress before the Dark Council placed a curse on her after a failed attempt to usurper their power nearly 100 years ago.

Each issue of ELF TALES is designed as a one shot adventure and is packed with tickling action. Please join the Dark Elf sorceress Evilna on her first ticklish adventure!

Item Features

  • 12 Comic Pages + Cover
  • 60+Panels
  • x1 Pinup Art
  • x1 Promo Adventure included
  • Monster/f
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