Elf Tales #2

Released 8/16/10

Tickle torture comics, tickling comics and tickle art comics

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Elf Tales #2 cover thumbElf Tales #2 Cover

Having rendered Brunilda's guards helpless with her Lullaby Flute, Cassandra employs tickle torture to persuade Brunilda into revealing where she has hidden The Bounty of The Dark Council.

Unbeknownst to either of them is the fact that the Dark Council has already dispatched Evilna, the Dark Elf sorceress to retrieve their precious Bounty and that she is almost upon them.

Each issue of ELF TALES is designed as a one shot adventure and is packed with tickling action. Please join the Dark Elf sorceress Evilna on her second ticklish adventure!

Item Features

  • Story and Art by Osozeth
  • Editing by AnnieHall
  • 12 Comic Pages + Cover
  • 55+ Panels
  • F/F & */F Tickling
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