Guys with attitude, beware! Guys who play with ladies' hearts, try to cheat them or otherwise jerk them around - the penalties can be terrible, and frequently involve red-faced, shrieking laughter while a feather slides between your toes. Which would be alright - if only you could move a little. If only the lady in question hadn't tied you down and found out that you're insanely ticklish. If only she would have just a little mercy on you...
In these four superbly erotic stories by Colin, author of LAUGHING BOYS #1 and #2 as well as CAPTURED BY AMAZONS, bad ticklish boys (18+) get their comeuppance. Dominatrixes, beauticians, co-eds and wicked stepmothers all take a turn at the tickle-torture game. And their victims' laughter is absolutely deafening.
Jay, an arrogant star reporter at the college newspaper, decides to go undercover to get the real story on local dominatrix Mistress Tawne. Unfortunately, Tawne has discovered exactly what the young newshound is up to and doesn't take kindly to being made a fool of. Jay unsuspectingly allows himself to be bound and helpless on the Mistress's bondage table...and then learns exactly what being dominated is all about!
Del has always enjoyed teasing Mandy Bates. She's such a dork. But now Mandy is about to do some teasing of her own; she's about to tease Del's bare, helpless foot, which she has conveniently cuffed to a table-leg. Del learns that a library is perhaps the worst place in the world to be foot-tickled - especially when a cranky librarian is enforcing the golden rule of silence.
Guys aren't supposed to get pedicures - at least that's what Ian always thought, until his girlfriend Andrea insisted he start getting his feet properly groomed. But the trendy nail-salon Andrea forces Ian into is a little different. It offers a unique service for girls like Trish who are afraid their boyfriends might be straying. A service involving stocks and an ancient Asian secret called Tickle Torture.
Russell and Kirk Graham are father and son, and they're alike in a lot of ways. They're both insanely ticklish, for instance. Too bad Russell's new wife and stepdaughter found out. Now they need Russell's cooperation to get some very valuable documents. Suddenly both of the Graham men are tied down spread-eagled and naked in the desert - and Valerie and Sheila decide to have a few laughs, with the most intense and erotic torture imaginable!
Item Features
- Four tales of merciless tickle torture
- Over 12,700 words!
- Cover Art by Nessonite