Released 2/22/11

Tickle torture comics, tickling comics and tickle art comics

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She's transcendentally cool. She's the hippest girl who ever lived. She's incredibly ticklish!

Well... one out of three ain't bad...

Yes, it's true! Colin, the writer-creator of Tammi the Tickle Witch and Lexi, has joined forces with artist Rocio Zucchi to bring the world a brand-new ticklish heroine. Maggs is a slacker princess who'd love nothing more than to be a rock star - or, failing that, to pay the rent and get her bitchy room-mates off her back. Unfortunately, she keeps falling into situations of extreme barefoot (and bare-bellied, and bare-underarmed) peril. Maybe she'll get make the A-List one day... if she can just stop laughing!

In her first adventure, Maggs gets word that her favorite band is giving a free show at a downtown club. She's determined to make the scene, but her roommate Deirdre has confiscated her favorite pair of boots until she helps her study. Maggs manages to tickle brainiac Deirdre into submission... but she has two more roommates to contend with... and Maggs is pretty ticklish herself!,

A Short History of Maggs...

Colin wrote the first MAGGS script back in 2009, with the ever-popular Ozzy slated to provide art. Unfortunately, unforeseen events prevented Ozzy from moving forward with the project. It was quite a challenge finding another artist with just the right touch, but we think you'll agree Rochio Zucchi has done a brilliant job of bringing Maggs and her friends to life.

As an added bonus to celebrate the debut of MTJ's latest star, we have included two pages of original comic art, and two MAGGS pin-ups created specially for the series by Ozzy.

Item Features

  • 10 Full Color Pages +Cover!
  • 40+ Comic Panels!
  • MAGGS Pin-up!
  • 2 comic pages and 2 MAGGS pin-ups created by Ozzy!
  • f/f tickling!
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