Agent Hailey continues to enthusiastically interrogate the wily Doomsday Agent Scorpion, and the buxom redhead squeals in incomprehensible confession. As the ticklish torture borders on almost-inappropriate, a covert Spy Bounce agent arrives with a rude interruption and an important message from the BOSS HIMSELF!
The Spy Master appears on holoscreen and grimly explains to Hailey that she has been interrogating one of her own Spy Bounce colleagues who has been undercover in the Doomsday organization - the LEGENDARY Secret Agent Sonya. And that even-more-shockingly Agent Andi and Agent Jane have fallen into enemy hands.
Their mission - should they choose to accept it: is to infiltrate the Doomsday base in Dubai, attempt a daring exterior skyscraper assault, and rescue Agent Andi and Agent Jane before the divulge SENSITIVE INFORMATION.
Now, as Andi and Jane are sinisterly tickled by Doomsday's best interrogators - Sonya and Hailey must attempt a daring rescue!
Will they succeed before Andi and Jane cackle their way into treasonous surrender?!
Will Agent Sonya forgive Agent Hailey's ticklish faux pas in time to save her friends?!
And will the nefarious GoldFeather reveal her sinister plan for ending the troublesome Spy Bounce Organization??!
You'll have to see for yourself. Grab those suction-cup gloves. Get yourself a good view.
And get your SPY ON!
Item Features
- 13 spy- pages of AWESOMENESS!
- 55+ panels of perfidious PERIL!
- Nearly-Naked Naughty Tickles!
- Insidiously eye-popping INTERROGATIONS!
- Fiendish foot feathering and finger-nailing!
- Diabolical Scenes of DESPERATION!
- Illustrated and designed by Churin!
- Written and created by Bandito