The Torturous Adventures of The Ticklish Dark Elf Stipplewitz
Stipplewitz is determined to take over the world and being immortal she just might. The only drawback is she is cursed with super-sensitive skin, and when tickled to extremes she perishes when overcome with laughter.
Each issue is a self-contained story and filled with merciless tickle torture.
The Fahn'Rel Chronicles- For the majority of her Immortal life...the Dark Elf known as Stipplewitz yearned for world domination. If not for the courage of a few brave heroes, long since passed from this life, her plans would have been fulfilled. She succumb to a spell cast upon her, cursed with super-sensitive skin and destined to perish when overcome with hysterical laughter. Now, through incantations of black magic, Stipplewitz has been raised from the dead and searches franticly fro the Feather of Fahn'Rel, the only item which can break the spell and allow Stipplewitz to continue her plans of world conquest.
Item Features
- 11 Full Color Pages +Cover!
- 30+ Comic Panels
- f/f tickling!