The fearsome dread pirate Poe ruled the seven seas in his blacked-sailed ship of PIRATE DOOM! He pillaged! He raised havoc! He committed the oldest pirate sins in the newest pirate ways.
And in the process he amassed a hidden pirate treasure so large that it became a legend spoken of in every salty port.
Until he finally came up against an enemy against which he had no defense! For the Twinkle Toe Pirates are beautiful, deadly, and worse yet they’re about to learn Poe's terrible secret: that the dread pirate Poe is deathly TICKLISH!
His soft naked soles...his tender underarms...and even his cannon balls and sword are under attack! Will poor pirate Poe survive the Twinkle Toe Pirates and their tickly foot jobs?! Will he laugh so hard he becomes a pirate ghost?! And will the seven seas even be calm again once they tickle the pants off poor Peterton Poe?!?!?!?
Come watch the debauchery!
Come witness the piratey eroticism!
Item Features
- 9 Hilarious F/M Tickle Torture Pages!
- 29 Perilous Pirate Tickling Panels!
- Bare Foot, Upper Body, and Erotic Lower Body Tickles!
- The Most Tickly Foot Job in the Seven Seas!
- Created and Illustrated by Bandito!
- Written by White Lotus!