In the history of science, there are certain names which stand apart from all others; these are visionaries who reshaped the way we see the world, ourselves, and life itself. Among their ranks are Newton, Einstein, DaVinci, Curie...and now, the two passionate seekers of truth known only as Dr. B and Dr. R.
These brilliant (and not unattractive) ladies have devoted their lives to studying a powerful, yet often overlooked byway of tactile sensation... special kind of touch which can thrill, chill and overwhelm the female body with an almost unbearable pleasure...in a word, tickling.
Now, thanks to the good offices of MTJ Publishing and that passionate patron of knowledge, Dr. Random (Ticklish Justice!, The Most Ticklish Summer), we are able to offer you a rare glimpse into the working methods of these two geniuses. Follow the good Doctors through a typical day, as they pursue their research all over the bodies of a series of nubile assistants. Tummies will be probed, armpits stroked, and naked soles put through a mouthwatering array of ticklish tests. Naturally, in the name of science some discomfort must be endured...luckily, our subjects have agreed to restraints (in some cases, very tight restraints) to help them focus on the scientific method. Eventually, our two lovely savants are pressed into ticklish service themselves, and the laboratory rings with near hysterical peals of laughter.
But hey...it's all in the name of science.
-Introduction by Colin
Item Features
- 12 full page, color illustrations +Cover!
- Armpit, breast, belly, and belly-button tickling!
- Barefoot tickling and also including a bit of fishnet tickling!
- Sexy illustrations and narrative by Dr. Random!
- F/F Tickling!