Alice and Override have mentally merged with the mighty mechanical magistrate, BOSS INOSAKA!
Now, the incredibly sexy new villains turn their terrible attentions to the sensitive and helpless NOVAK! As their tickling touches descend on her tender flesh and her screams of frenzied laughter rise to fill the cold walls of the robotic mothership, Dusty and her crew desperately stage an unlikely rescue mission.
And they better hurry.
Because the new Boss Inosaka is rocketing them all to VELMENNIA…the Velmennite Robotic Home World...where escape will be quite IMPOSSIBLE!!!
And based on Novak's husky laughter...she doesn't have much time left before she dies from ticklish TORTURE!
Fight the robot apocalypse!
Join the resistance!
Become the Corporation!
Item Features
- 12 Titillating Tickle Torture Pages + Cover!
- 41 Sizzlingly Sexy and Sadistic Panels!
- Inescapable Bondage and Fiendish Tickling!
- Toe Bondage and Absolute Foot Tickle Torture!
- Erotic Tickling Orgasms, Topless and Bottomless Tickles!
- The Ticklish Return of the Super Sexy NOVAK!
- Illustrated by the Gifted Giangiacomo!
- Written and Created by Bandito!