Look, we've said it twice before, but just on the off chance any of you were snoozing last time... girls are ticklish. In case you haven't realized it yet, this is a truth that we here at MTJ Publishing are passionate about. It is our experience, acquired in the real world, at tremendous personal risk, that when things get ticklish between girls and their guy-type counterparts, much female laughter and toe-wriggling and shrieking for mercy results. These ticklish male/female encounters have happened throughout history, will doubtless happen in the dimly-foreseen centuries of the future, and are still happening here and now, all around us!
Because MTJ Publishing cares about giving you the details of this monumental truth, we are making available a third volume of the celebrated Tickle Battle: Girls Lose series. The brilliantly talented artist Umojar (Tickle Battle 1 & 2; Last One Laughing) has once again partnered with veteran writer Colin (Lexi, Maggs, In a Ticklish Spot) to bring you 13 scenarios illustrating the ticklishness of the female and the tickling talents of the male. Girls ranging from barefoot talk-show hosts to bare-bellied honky-tonk waitresses demonstrate that when the going gets ticklish, the girls get laughing!
Item Features
- 12 full page, color illustrations +Cover!
- Barefoot Tickling!
- Nylon Tickling!
- Belly/Button & lower-sides Tickling!
- M/F Tickling!